Flips the text or picture in the active box vertically. Not available because no box is active or the Content tool is not selected. Flips the text or picture in the active box horizontally. Not available because no box is active or the Content tool is not selected. Flips the text in the active box vertically. Flips the text in the active box horizontally. To apply a color saturation value to the highlighted characters, to the text insertion point, or to the selected line, enter a value from 0% to 100% . To apply a font size to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter a size from 2 to 720 points. Displays all style sheets for the active document and applies the selected style sheet to highlighted paragraphs or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool not selected. Displays all style sheets for the active document and applies the selected style sheet to highlighted paragraphs or to the text insertion point. Add style sheets via the Style Sheets dialog box (Edit menu). Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Cancel: Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box OK: Closes the dialog box and implements changes. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Apply: Enables preview of changes made to paragraph tabs without saving the changes. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Fill Character: To specify a character to be repeated between the tab located at the position listed in the Position field above and the next tab stop, enter a character here. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Position: To numerically place a tab stop, enter the location for the tab stop here. To reposition a tab stop, click on the tab indicator you want and enter the new location here. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Align On: To specify an single printing character to align with the tab stop, choose this and enter a character in the field. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Comma: To align commas with the tab stop, choose this. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Decimal: To align decimal points (periods) with the tab stop, choose this. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Right: To align text flush right on the tab stop, choose this. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Center: To center text on the tab stop, choose this. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box Alignment Left: To align text flush left on the tab stop, choose this. Paragraph Tabs Dialog box title: Use this dialog box to place tab stops in selected paragraphs for controlling placement of text. Places tab stops for controlling the placement of text. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Places tab stops for controlling the placement of text. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Cancel: Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Paragraph Rules Dialog box OK: Closes the dialog box and implements changes. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Apply: Previews changes made to paragraph rules without saving the changes. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Shade: To specify a saturation for the chosen color, enter a value from 0% to 100% here or choose an option from the pop-up menu. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Color: To specify a rule's color, choose a color from the pop-up menu. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Width: To specify a rule's width, enter a value here or choose an option from the pop-up menu. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Style: To specify a rule's style (e.g., solid, dashed, or double lines), choose one of the options from the pop-up menu. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Offset: To specify an absolute distance between the last baseline in selected paragraphs and the top of the rule below it, enter a positive value up to 15" here. You can also enter a percentage from 0% to 100%. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below From Right: To specify the distance between the right end of the rule and either the right indent or the right end of the last line of text (depending on the choice made in the Length pop-up menu), enter a value here. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below From Left: To specify the distance between the left end of the rule and either the left indent or the left end of the last line of text (depending on the choice made in the Length pop-up menu), enter a value here. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Length Text: Specifies that the rule below a paragraph be the length of the last line of text in selected paragraphs, choose this. Paragraph Rules Dialog box Rule Below Length Indents: Specifies that the rule below a paragraph extend from the left indent to the right indent, choose this. To remove a rule below selected paragraphs, check this. The expanded dialog box with controls for specifying the position and appearance of the rule collapses. To specify that QuarkXPress place a rule below selected paragraphs, check this. An expanded dialog box is displayed with controls for specifying the position and appearance of the rule. To specify a saturation for the chosen color, enter a value from 0% to 100% here or choose an option from the pop-up menu. To specify a rule's color, choose a color from the pop-up menu. To specify a rule's width, enter a value here or choose an option from the pop-up menu. To specify a rule's style (e.g., solid, dashed, or double lines), choose one of the options from the pop-up menu. To specify an absolute distance between the first baseline in a selected paragraph and the bottom of the rule above it, enter a positive value up to 15" here. You can also enter a percentage from 0% to 100%. To specify the distance between the right end of the rule and either the right indent or the right end of the first line of text (depending on the choice made in the Length pop-up menu), enter a value here To specify the distance between the left end of the rule and either the left indent or the left end of the first line of text (depending on the choice made in the Length pop-up menu), enter a value here. Specifies that the rule above a paragraph be the length of the first line of text in selected paragraphs. Specifies that the rule above a paragraph extend from the left indent to the right indent. To remove a rule from above selected paragraphs, check this. The controls for specifying the position and appearance of the rule are hidden. To specify that QuarkXPress place a rule above selected paragraphs, check this. An expanded dialog box is displayed with controls for specifying the position and appearance of the rule. Use this dialog box to specify a horizontal rule line above or below selected paragraphs. Specifies a horizontal rule line above or below selected paragraphs. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Specifies a horizontal rule line above or below selected paragraphs. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. Previews changes made to paragraph formats without saving the changes. Applies an H&J specification to selected paragraphs. Aligns paragraphs with both the left and right indents. Aligns paragraphs with both the left and right indents. Aligns paragraphs with the right indent. Aligns paragraphs with the right indent. Centers paragraphs between the left and right indents. Centers paragraphs between the left and right indents. Aligns paragraph with the left indent. Aligns paragraph with the left indent. Indicates that more than one alignment is applied to selected paragraphs. Not available because only one alignment can be specified here. To prevent single lines from being left at the tops of columns or pages, enter a value of 2 or greater here. Not available because Keep Lines Together is not checked. To prevent single lines from being left at the tops of columns or pages, enter a value of 2 or greater here. To prevent single lines from being left at the bottom of columns or pages, enter a value of 2 or greater here. Not available because Keep Lines Together is not checked. To make a selected paragraph an indivisible unit that will never be broken when it falls at the bottom of a column or page, click All Lines in ¶. To prevent single lines from being left at the bottom of columns or pages, enter a value of 2 or greater here. To make a selected paragraph an indivisible unit that will never be broken when it falls at the bottom of a column or page, click this. Not available because Keep Lines Together is not checked. To specify the way in which QuarkXPress breaks a paragraph when it falls at the bottom of a column or page, click Start and enter values in the Start and End fields. To make selected paragraphs indivisible units that will never be broken when they fall at the bottom of a column or page, click this. To allow QuarkXPress to break a paragraph to fit at the bottom of a column or page, uncheck this. To specify the way in which QuarkXPress breaks a paragraph that falls at the bottom of a column or page, check this. To allow QuarkXPress to place the last line of a paragraph at the bottom of a column or page, uncheck this. To keep the last line(s) of a paragraph together with the first line(s) of a following paragraph, check this. To specify the number of lines the enlarged character(s) drop, enter a value from 2 to 8 here. Not available because Drop Caps is not checked. To specify the number of lines the enlarged character(s) drop, enter a value from 2 to 8 here. To specify the number of drop cap characters, enter a value from 1 to 8 here. Not available because Drop Caps is not checked. To specify the number of drop cap characters, enter a value from 1 to 8 here. To remove drop cap characters from selected paragraphs, uncheck this. To create drop caps from the initial character or characters of selected paragraphs, check this. Use the controls to specify the number and size of the drop caps. To lock text baselines to the document-wide baseline grid, defined via Typographic Preferences (Edit menu), check this. To lock text baselines to the document-wide baseline grid, defined via Typographic Preferences (Edit menu), check this. To add space below the last line of selected paragraphs, enter a value from 0" to 15" here. This value is ignored when a paragraph falls at the bottom of a box or column. To add space above the first line of selected paragraphs, enter a value from 0" to 15" here. This value is ignored when a paragraph falls at the top of a box or column. To specify the vertical spacing between lines of text in selected paragraphs, enter a value from –1080 to 1080 points here. A (+) or (–) in front of the value specifies incremental leading. To specify the distance from the right edge of a text box or column to the right edge of a paragraph, enter a value here. To specify the distance from the left indent to the beginning of the first line of a paragraph, enter a value here. A negative value starts the first line to the left of the Left Indent position. To specify the distance from the left edge of a text box or column to the left edge of a paragraph, enter a value here. Use this dialog box to apply several paragraph formats to selected paragraphs. Applies several paragraph formats using a single dialog box. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies several paragraph formats using a single dialog box. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. To specify the vertical spacing between lines of text in selected paragraphs, enter a value from –1080 to 1080 points here. A (+) or (–) in front of the value specifies incremental leading. Specifies the vertical spacing between lines of text in selected paragraphs. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Specifies the vertical spacing between lines of text in selected paragraphs. Applies the selected alignment to highlighted paragraphs or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the selected alignment to highlighted paragraphs or to the text insertion point. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. Use the check boxes in this area to specify the type style for highlighted characters or the text insertion point. To apply a baseline shift to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter a value up to plus or minus three times the Size selected. To specify a kern or track amount, enter a value from –500 to 500 here. To apply a horizontal scale to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter a value from 25% to 400% here. To apply a color saturation value to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter a value from 0% to 100% or choose an option from the pop-up menu. To apply a color to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, choose a color from the pop-up menu. To apply a font size to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter a size from 2 to 720 points or choose an option from the pop-up menu. To apply a font to highlighted characters or the text insertion point, enter the name in the field or choose an option from the pop-up menu. Use this dialog box to specify font, size, style, color, shade, horizontal scale, track amount, and baseline shift. Applies font, size, style, color, shade, horizontal scale, kern/track amount, and baseline shift using a single dialog box. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies font, size, style, color, shade, horizontal scale, kern/track amount, and baseline shift using a single dialog box. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. To shift highlighted characters above or below their baseline, enter a value up to plus or minus three times the font size of the character(s) begin shifted. Moves highlighted characters above or below their baseline. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Moves highlighted characters above or below their baseline. Checked because baseline shift is applied to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Moves highlighted characters above or below their baseline. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. To adjust the space to the right of each character in a highlighted range, enter a value from –500 to 500 here. Adjusts the space to the right of each character in a highlighted range. Checked because tracking is applied to highlighted characters. Adjusts the space to the right of each character in a highlighted range. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. To adjust the space between two characters separated by the Text Insertion bar, enter a value from -500 to 500 here. Adjusts the space between two characters. Not available because a text box is not active, the Content tool is not selected, or the Text Insertion bar is not positioned between two characters. Adjusts the space between two characters. Checked because kerning is applied to character pair separated by the Text Insertion bar. Adjusts the space between two characters separated by the Text Insertion bar. Closes the dialog box without implementing changes. Closes the dialog box and implements changes. To specify horizontal compression or expansion of characters, enter a value from 25% to 400% here. Scales characters horizontally or vertically from 25% to 400%. Checked because scaling has been applied to highlighted characters or text at the text insertion point. Scales characters horizontally or vertically from 25% to 400%. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Scales characters horizontally or vertically from 25% to 400%. Applies the specified color saturation value to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the specified color saturation value to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Applies the selected color to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the selected color to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Applies the selected type style to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the selected type style to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Underline and word underline, All Caps and Small Caps, and Superscript and Subscript, are mutually exclusive type styles. Applies the selected font size to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the selected font size to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Applies the selected font to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point. Not available because a text box is not active or the Content tool is not selected. Applies the selected font to highlighted characters or to the text insertion point.